Wheat export quota distributed between 15 companies
The Ukrainian Economic Development and Trade Ministry on January 11 hosted a meeting of the commission for the consideration of applications for the issue of licenses to export certain types of agricultural products and the distribution of quotas, the ministry's press service has reported.
After the commission's meeting, the quotas were proportionally distributed in line with applications received and according to the established procedure.
Thus, the wheat export quota of 500,000 tons was distributed between 15 companies. Khlib Investbud Ltd. obtained the right to export over 221,340 tons of wheat, Kernel-Trade Ltd. - 46,112 tons, and Volary Export Ltd. - 31,356 tons.
The corn export quota of 1.518 million tons was distributed between 26 companies. Khlib Investbud received the right to export 543,900 tons of corn.