Parameters: Foreign economic activities |
Article 4. Types of foreign economic activity
To the types of foreign economic activity, which carry out in To Ukraine subjects of this activity, belong:
- export and import of commodities, capitals and labour force
- grant of foreign economic activity subjects Ukraine services the foreign subjects of economic activity, in a that number: production, transport expeditionary, insurance, consultative, marketings, export, intermediary, broker, agent, consignment, administrative, registration, public accountant, legal, tourist et al, that straight and exceptionally not forbidden laws Ukraine; grant of afore-mentioned services by the foreign subjects of economic activity the subjects of foreign economic activity Ukraine
- scientific, scientific and technical, науково-виробнича, production, educational and other co-operation is with the foreign subjects of economic activity; studies and preparation of specialists are on commercial basis
- international financial operations and operations are with securities in cases, foreseen laws Ukraine
- credit and calculation operations are between the subjects of foreign economic activity and foreign subjects of economic activity; creation of foreign economic activity of bank, credit and insurance institutions subjects outside Ukraine; creation of economic activity of the noted establishments foreign subjects is on territory Ukraine in cases, foreseen laws Ukraine
- joint entrepreneurial activity is between the subjects of foreign economic activity and foreign subjects of economic activity, which includes creation of joint ventures of different kinds and forms, leadthrough of general economic operations and condominium property, as on territory Ukraine, so after its limits
- entrepreneurial activity is on territory Ukraine, related to the grants of licenses, patents, now-how, trade marks and other immaterial objects of propert, from the side of foreign subjects of economic activity; analogical activity of subjects of foreign economic activity outside Ukraine
- organization and realization of activity is in industry of leadthrough of exhibitions, auctions, auctions, conferences, symposiums, seminars and other similar measures which are carried out on commercial basis, with participation of subjects of foreign economic activity; organization and realization of, consignment and retail wholesale is on territory Ukraine for foreign currency in foreseen laws Ukraine cases
- barter (barter) operations and other activity, built on the forms of countertrade between the subjects of foreign economic activity and foreign subjects of economic activity
- lease, in a that number leasings, operations between the subjects of foreign economic activity and foreign subjects of economic activity
- operations on acquisition, sale and exchange of currency, on currency auctions, currency exchanges, and at the міжбанківському currency market
- works on contractual basis of physical persons Ukraine with the foreign subjects of economic activity as on territory Ukraine, so after its limits; works of foreign physical persons on contract payment basis with the subjects of foreign economic activity as on territory Ukraine, so after its limits
- other types of foreign economic activity, not forbidden straight and in a exceptional form by laws Ukraine
Intermediary operations during realization of which the right of ownership on a commodity does not pass to the mediator (on the basis of commissions, agent agreements, contracts of agency et al) are carried out without limitations. |

41, Yavornitskogo Str., Stryi, Lviv Region
3-ий пер. Шевченка, 3, с. Б. Дальник, Беляевский район, Одесская область
12B, Somovskaya Str., Kharkov
21 600-letiya Str., Vinnitsa