Parameters: Foreign economic activities |
Article 7. Bases of adjusting of foreign economic activity
Adjusting of foreign economic activity in To Ukraine carried out in obedience to principles, certain in the article 2 of this Law, with a purpose:
- providing of balanced of economy and equilibrium of internal market Ukraine
- stimulation of progressive structural changes is in a economy, in a that number external economic connections of subjects of foreign economic activity Ukraine
- creation of the most favorable terms is for bringing in of economy Ukraine in the system of world division of labor and his approaching to the market structures of the developed foreign countries
Adjusting of foreign economic activity in To Ukraine carried out:
- By Ukraine as by the state in the person of its organs within the limits of their competense
- by the non-state organs of management a economy (by commodity, fund, currency exchanges, chambers of commerce, associations, unions and other organizations of co-ordinating type), that operate on the basis of their regulation documents
- by the subjects of foreign economic activity on the basis of the proper co-ordinating agreements which consist between them
Adjusting of foreign economic activity in To Ukraine carried out for help:
- laws Ukraine
- foreseen in laws Ukraine acts of the tariff and untariff adjusting, which seem public organs Ukraine within the limits of their competense
- economic measures of the operative adjusting (currency-financial, credit et al) within the limits of laws Ukraine
- decisions of non-state organs of management a economy, which are accepted after their regulation documents within the limits of laws Ukraine
- agreements which consist between the subjects of foreign economic activity and which do not conflict with laws Ukraine
Adjusting of foreign economic activity is forbidden by the acts and actions of public and non-state organs straight not foreseen in this part.
On territory Ukraine by law this such legal modes are inculcated for the foreign subjects of economic activity:
- national mode, which means that the foreign subjects of economic activity have a volume of right and duties not less than, than subjects of economic activity Ukraine. The national mode is used in relation to all types of economic activity of foreign subjects of this activity, related to their investments on territory Ukraine, and also in relation to the export-import operations of foreign subjects of economic activity of that countries which enters together with By Ukraine to the economic unions
- mode of most assistance, which means that the foreign subjects of economic activity have a volume of rights, преференцій and privileges, in relation to duties, taxes and collections which uses and/or the foreign subject of economic activity of any other state, which the mentioned mode is given, will use, except for the cases when the noted duties, taxes, collections and privileges, for them set within the framework of the dedicaded mode, certain below. The mode of most assistance gets on the basis of mutual agreement the subjects of economic activity of other states in obedience to the proper agreements Ukraine but used in the field of foreign trade
- dedicaded mode which is used to territories of the special economic areas in obedience to the article 24 of this Law, and also to territories of customs unions, to which enters Ukraine, and in the case of establishment of any dedicaded mode in obedience to international agreements after participation Ukraine in accordance with the article 25 of this Law
In Ukraine by law this such legal modes are inculcated for commodities which are imported from the states - members of worldwide point-of-sale organization (farther - WTO):
- national mode, which means that in relation to the imported commodities by origin from the states - members of WTO the mode is given no less favourable, than for the analogical commodities of the Ukrainian origin in relation to taxes, collections, set laws et al normatively legal by the acts of rules and requirements to the internal sale, suggestion to the sale, purchase, transporting, distributing or use of commodities, and also to the rules of the internal quantitative adjusting, which set requirements in relation to mixing, processing or use of commodities, in certain amounts or proportions
- mode of most assistance, which touches duties, custom collections, methods of penalty of such duty and collections, rules and formalities, in connection with a import and means that any advantage, assistance, privilege or immunity, which are given in relation to any commodity which takes place from any state, must immediately and sure to get a analogical commodity which takes place from territory of the states - members of WTO or states, with which bilateral or regional agreements are celled in relation to the mode of most assistance
(the article 7 is complemented part in obedience to
By the law of Ukraine from 16.11.2006 N 360-V)
Exception in relation to the mode of most assistance in the form of преференцій can be done for commodities, which take place from the states with which Ukraine made agreement about free trade or customs union or intermediate agreements, that in the future will result in creation of free trade or customs unions zones within the limits of clever period of time (10 years), whether agreements are about boundary trade and application of the general system of Preferences
(the article 7 is complemented part in obedience to
By the law of Ukraine from 16.11.2006 N 360-V)

41, Yavornitskogo Str., Stryi, Lviv Region
3-ий пер. Шевченка, 3, с. Б. Дальник, Беляевский район, Одесская область
12B, Somovskaya Str., Kharkov
21 600-letiya Str., Vinnitsa