Article 10. Organs of local government foreign economic activity
To the organs of local government foreign economic activity belong:
- local Advices of folk deputies Ukraine but them executive and prescriptive branches
- territorial subsections (separation) of organs of government control of foreign economic activity Ukraine
Competense of organs of local self-government and them executive branches it is determined this Law and By the law of Ukraine "About local self-government in Ukraine". Normative acts of organs of local self-government and them executive branches in relation to adjusting of foreign economic activity accepted only in cases, straight foreseen the laws of Ukraine. Organs of local self-government and them executive branches operate as subjects of foreign economic activity only through created by them external economic commercial organizations which has status of legal entity of Ukraine.
(part is second the article 10 in the release of Law
Ukraine from 04.11.2004 N 2157-IV)
Organs of government control of foreign economic activity Ukraine can create the territorial subsections (separation), if it swims out from their competense which is determined laws Ukraine but by positions about these organs.
The noted organs of the territorial adjusting of foreign economic activity are created on a concordance with the proper local Advices of folk deputies Ukraine but within the limits of general limit of budgetary facilities which are selected on maintenance of the proper organs of government control Ukraine. The actions of the noted subsections (separations) must not conflict with the normative acts of local Advices of folk deputies Ukraine, except for the cases when such actions are foreseen or swim out from laws Ukraine. |