Article 39. Spores which arises up at application of this Law
Any spores in relation to application of the this Law and laws, accepted on implementation of this Law, provisions can be the article of consideration:
- in court Ukraine, if one of sides in business - physical person and/or the state;
(a indention is second parts of the first articles 39 with changes, brought in
by law Ukraine from 15.05.2003 N 762-IV)
- in economic courts, if in business legal entities come forward sides.
(a indention is third parts of the first articles 39 with changes, brought in
by law Ukraine from 15.05.2003 N 762-IV)
Intergovernmental spores which can arise up as a result of actions Ukraine at application of this Law, decide in the order concerted sides in obedience to the norms of international law.