Русскоязычный заголовок: Болгария - 2009 - Как вести бизнес в Болгарии (анг., *.pdf, 2.86 mB)
Болгарія - 2009 - Як вести бізнес в Болгарії (анг., *.pdf, 2.86 Mb)
Завантажити файл (анг., *.pdf, 2.86 Mb) >>
General overview
Government Structure
Leading industries
Financial System
Special Investment Considerations
Regional and International Trade Agreements and Association
Importing and Exporting
Enterprises for Doing Business in Bulgaria
Forms of Enterprises
Mergers and Acquisitions
Tax System
Income tax and social contributions
Corporate Income Tax
Indirect Taxation of Corporations
Labour Law and Social Security
Labour Law
Social Security Law
Unemployment Law
Pension Fund Law
Investment incentives
Джерело: Ernst & Young