Польша - 2011 - Правовые аспекты ведения бизнеса
Польща - 2011 - Правові аспекти ведення бізнесу (анг., *.pdf, 7.8 Mb) 2011

Завантажити документ (анг., *.pdf, 7.8 Mb) >>
1. Information on Gide Loyrette Nouel
2. Setting up a business
3. Banking and finance
4. Taxation
5. Securities market
6. Real estate
7. Public procurement
8. Infrastructure
9. Environment protection
10. Consumer protection
12. Intellectual property
14. Litigation
15. Gide Loyrette Nouel Warsaw office partners
16. Poland – upside opportunity – BPCC
17. Foreign investors are coming to Poland – PAIIIZ
Джерело: Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency